Random42 full capabilities

Our Capabilities

Random42 is the global leader in providing medical animation, education, and digital scientific communication solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical industries.

We bring challenging medical and scientific concepts to life, making them concise, engaging, and visually stunning.

Medical Animation

Our scientific storytelling takes you on an immersive journey exploring the complex biological processes behind breakthrough science. We bring your scientific messaging to life through MoD or MoA animation, making challenging medical concepts clear, concise and engaging.

Mixed Reality

Our mixed reality experiences use state-of-the-art headsets to merge your real-world environment with a computer-generated one. Elevate your scientific storytelling, with impactful, engaging, and memorable experiences.

Virtual Reality

VR elevates our scientific storytelling to a whole new level. We fully immerse the user into our 3D film sets and take them on a unique journey inside the human body. This scientific storytelling format, combined with state-of-the-art medical animation technology, gives the user a more in-depth understanding of biological processes.

Augmented Reality

Our AR apps use cutting-edge technology to activate interactive animations, holograms, 3D models and games. Bring more traditional materials to life with digital content that is easily accessed via a smartphone or tablet.

Interactive Experiences, Apps & Microsites

Our team can create purpose-built interactive apps, that seamlessly integrate stunning scientific visuals with an intuitive user interface. This allows the user to interact dynamically with the application’s content, promoting deeper engagement and understanding.

Random42 Scientific Animation

Assets Can Be Utilized Across Various Applications:

  • HCP & Patient Education
  • Training Tools
  • Meetings & Conferences
  • PR & Media Kits
  • Websites & Social Media
  • Corporate Presentations
  • Interactive Apps & Touchscreens
  • Investor Relations
  • Corporate Communications
  • Launch & Marketing Assets

Here for You at Every Stage of Your Product Lifecycle

Our digital assets are well placed to help to build disease awareness at pre-clinical and early phases, educate and prepare the market ahead of launch and maintain engagement post-launch.

Discovery & Pre-Clinical Development

Phase I-III

Approval, Launch & Post-Launch Marketing

  • Disease Awareness Campaigns
  • Corporate Communication Initiatives
  • Clinical Trial Recruitment
  • Investor Engagement
  • Medical Education Meetings
  • Product Promotion
  • Large Conferences & Events
  • Launch Activities
  • Internal Communication & Sales Training
  • Consumer and Social Media

Are you interested in seeing how we can support your upcoming initiatives?