Scientific & Medical Documentaries

At Random42, our team offers the skills, knowledge, and experience to bring any scientific or medical topic to life in a visually engaging format. Our expertise in creating scientific animation gives us the vital understanding to assist any film or documentary project.

delivering documentary films

The high-end nature of our work and our familiarity with the production and film industry allow us to offer our animation services for documentary production to the film, TV, and news industries. All of our work is created bespoke by our talented in-house team, meaning we can work closely with our clients to make all storyboard ideas and concepts a reality, continually pushing our creative boundaries to new limits.

Our team has produced a great variety of digital content to support scientific and medical documentaries and films over the years. The following case studies are a selection of our most impressive work supporting documentary films…

Disease Hunters Scientific Documentary

Disease Hunters

We created a series of scientific animations to support the content of the Disease Hunters documentary series. Channel News Asia created this three-part informative series to bring to life the storytelling behind deadly diseases, covering infectious viral, bacterial, and Mosquito-Borne diseases.

Our animations feature throughout the three episodes and aim to help viewers visualize the science, encourage a more in-depth understanding, and provide a documentary experience of the highest cinematographic quality.

The three-part series first aired on CNA in November 2020 and is now available on-demand on the CNA website and YouTube channel. This showreel showcases some of the scientific animations included throughout the three episodes. You can watch the full episodes at the following links; Episode 1 – Disease Hunters: The Viral Menance, Episode 2 -Disease Hunters: Battle Against Bacteria, Episode 3 – Disease Hunters: Mosquito Hunters.

“Random42 delivered medical animations that were cinematic and impactful. We were pleased with their execution of the brief and they regularly exceeded expectations with creative visual storytelling and stylish renderings of viruses, bacteria, and mosquito-borne diseases.”

Series Producer of Disease Hunters, Channel News Asia

Random42 The Game Changers Film

The Game Changers

The Game Changers is a documentary film about the advantages of a plant-based diet, exploring the truth behind the myth: that meat is necessary for protein, strength, and optimal health.

Covering multiple success stories of plant-based athletes and referring to various scientific studies, our animations bring to life the science behind a wide range of biological components and processes that are influenced by diet.

The film premiered at the Sundance Festival in January 2018 and is now available on Netflix and other digital platforms. The Game Changers is the Number 1 best-selling documentary of all time on iTunes.

Random42 Mysteries of the Unseen World

Mysteries of the Unseen World

We worked with National Geographic to develop animation content that was featured in the IMAX film, Mysteries of the Unseen World, which is shown in science museums around the world.

The scientific animations illustrate a journey from the visible scale down to the atomic level, describing how molecular machines could be developed in the future to treat cardiovascular conditions as well as genetic abnormalities within cells.

The animations were included in the TED Talk ‘Hidden Miracles of the Natural World’ by Louie Schwartzberg, the 2nd most popular TED Talk of 2014. The talk has received over 9.6 million views to date. The film is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.

“Your team contributed the most in making the film the success it has turned out to be.”

Producer, Mysteries of the Unseen World

Random42 Fantastic Fungi Documentary

Fantastic Fungi

Fantastic Fungi is a film about the mycelium networks of which fungal colonies are composed of. The film details this fascinating underground network, which can heal and save our planet.

Directed by Louie Schwartzberg and written by Mark Monroe, this eye-opening film highlights the intelligence of fungi and the solutions their kingdom offers in response to some of our most pressing medical, therapeutic, and environmental challenges.

We created various animations that were featured in this documentary-style film. The content produced illustrates the language of nature and both the beauty and intelligence of fungi.

The film is available on NetflixAmazon Prime VideoGoogle Play, and iTunes.

Are you interested in seeing how our scientific and medical documentaries can help you?