BA (Hons) 3D Modelling and Animation
University of Hertfordshire
As a kid, Gabriel’s mom would tell him stories of lightsaber duels, archaeologists running from huge rolling boulders, and epic battles for magical rings. His dad would call him and his brother to the PC to play games and he’d buy big sheets of paper to draw Disney and anime characters with them. It is no surprise that their influence shaped him. Gabriel started out making LEGO stop motion animations on YouTube at 12 years old, then moved to 2D Animation with his brother creating a successful YouTube channel and then finally 3D. He was born in Brazil, raised in Italy, and moved to the UK where he graduated from Herts University. Gabriel has worked as a freelance 3D Character Artist for many projects and as a tutor of 3D Art online and in person. His passion is to give life to characters, and the work at Random42 is no different. Every story and every project has a protagonist, and the way we tell those stories is fundamental to the lives of many people. As a disabled person himself, Gabriel has benefitted from the advances in medicine, therefore his goal is to hopefully inspire people to join the medical industry and make a difference.