Pooja Chudasama Headshot
Pooja Chudasama (née Raval)
Scientific Account Director

BSc (Hons) Cognitive Science
University of Westminster

MSc Neuroscience
King’s College London

PhD Neuroscience
King’s College London

Pooja has a PhD in Neuroscience, which centred around elucidating the role of oestrogens in the brain and spent one year of her PhD conducting research at the AstraZeneca-Tuft’s Laboratory for Translational Neuroscience in MA, USA. After finishing her post-doctoral position at King’s College London investigating the beneficial role of oestrogens in Schizophrenia, Pooja joined Random42 in 2020. As a Scientific Account Director, Pooja manages a team of PhDs, provides scientific support across different projects amongst the Science and Creative teams, and ensures client needs are maintained to the highest level.