Bring Your Science to Life at ASH 2023

6th May 2023 Events & Exhibitions News

On the 9th – 12th of December 2023, the world’s leading hematologists and healthcare professionals will come together for the American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting.

hematology medical animation

The 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Meeting and Exposition will take place on the 9th – 12th of December 2023, in San Diego, California, and online. Mark your calendars now to attend the world’s most comprehensive hematology event of the year.

ASH is the premier education and scientific event in the field of hematology, offering meetings and workshops for hematology professionals worldwide. Gain insights into evolving developments in hematology and discover groundbreaking science, including new treatments and practice methods.

Animation at ASH 2023 conference services at ash 2023

At Random42, we combine the worlds of science, art, and technology to create stunning digital assets that help your novel science stand out!

Our digital content can be leveraged across all platforms, meaning it is the perfect hybrid tool for use at in-person booths and across various online channels once the conference is over.

Scientific animation assets can easily be utilized for booth backdrops, large touchscreens, iPads, virtual reality headsets, augmented reality apps, and much more!

ASH 2023 offers ground-breaking science and education among top professionals. It is crucial to communicate your science effectively and stand out from the rest.

Random42 Booth Conference Services

Stand out at ASH with high-quality digital experiences


Random42 create content in the form of animation (MoD/MoA), virtual reality (VR), interactive experiences, or other digital solutions to help you stand out at any conference or virtual event.

Such experiences are ideal for physical events and can be repurposed onto large touchscreens or iPads as part of a booth; attracting people to your stand and then letting them explore the science behind a product. Our interactive experiences allow the user to interact fully and immerse in the scientific content, making the experience impactful, engaging, and memorable.

Our high-quality digital materials are able to be leveraged across various marketing initiatives and provide the longevity needed to make them an investment for all future conferences, virtual or physical.

Person wearing virtual reality headset

Engaging and immersive in-person booth experiences


We create high-resolution digital content to enhance scientific storytelling. Such content can be utilized throughout physical booths on a range of outputs such as:

  • Touchscreens
  • Interactive stations
  • Virtual reality experiences with in-built interactivity
  • Augmented reality and immersive experiences
  • Holographic displays and more…
digital assets for in person booths

Stunning visual content helps attract people to the booth, encouraging further exploration of the scientific messages behind a product, pathway, or mechanism.

We are proud to say we were the first to bring virtual reality content to the world of scientific conferences, and we continue to evolve and innovate our offerings in this space. We are able to adapt interactive augmented reality experiences for large booth installations to help captivate and engage your audience.

Leverage your assets digitally to maximise ROI


The beauty of 3D content is that 3D assets are exceptionally versatile for a range of outputs, for example, once a trade show is over and your booth is disassembled, you can keep the engagement going online by utilizing your assets on your website or on socials.

Random42 can build purpose-built interactive microsites for remote learning following the conference, including documentary-style disease awareness and educational content with an intuitive user interface designed to create a personalized, guided experience.

  • Create a cohesive story with a consistent look and feel
  • Simple and intuitive user journey through the disease state, portfolio, or brand
  • Flexibility to add additional information such as patient videos, data, key images, and other call-out features
  • Chapterize your content in an engaging, visually appealing style
  • Option for analytics evaluation
Leveraging Your Digital Animation Assets

Virtual Reality experiences should not be viewed purely for large conferences. As innovation increases and VR technology advances becoming more affordable, efficient, and easy to use, it is no surprise that we are seeing VR being successfully utilized in the workplace more and more. It offers businesses an exciting new method to:

  • Aid sales presentations
  • Enhance internal training
  • Provide excitement for education, meetings, and other communication channels…

Our 3D visual toolkit, complementary to each animation, provides clients with the ability to maximize the value of a single animation across multiple platforms, leveraging the assets in a variety of ways so they can be inserted into a slide kit, sales aid or for social media purposes, or even aimed at different target audiences.

The multi-purpose services we offer are key to growing your ROI. Sharing 3D animation and visual content on your website or social media, or including them in ad campaigns is a great way to improve brand awareness and continue interest after an event. In addition, visuals can accompany any press releases and media coverage after an event adding to the longevity of your assets.

How we can help


Random42 consists of scientists, artists, animators and programmers, who collaborate to effortlessly intertwine the worlds of science, art and technology, producing some of the most impactful scientific imagery, stories and interactive experiences.

With a unique creative team consisting of both 3D artists and interactive developers, Random42 hosts the collaboration necessary to create the highest quality, cutting-edge experiences.

Our team create purpose-built apps, seamlessly integrating animations and stunning visuals, allowing the user to interact with molecular structures. Rich stimulating imagery promotes deeper engagement and reinforces the scientific story behind the pharmaceutical product.

Augmented reality for ASH 2023

ASH is soon approaching, which is why it is important to act now. The ideal time to begin planning for an event like this is at least 6-9 months before – a typical timescale to produce a medical animation (including approvals) is around 16-18 weeks. If you don’t have 16 weeks in your schedule, there are still options for accelerated production with Random42 without compromising on quality. Please get in touch as soon as possible if this is something you would like to discuss with us.

Random42 Animation Development Process

Are you interested in seeing how medical animation can help you?