Random42 Welcome New Recruits

30th January 2018 Company News

We would like to welcome the newest recruits to our ever-expanding team!

New recruits Random42
From left to right: Priya, Sarah, Nina and Matt

Nina Gates – Account Manager

BSc (Hons) BioVeterinary Science – University of the West of England

Nina joined the Marketing Team as an Account Manager in January. She studied BioVeterinary Science at the University of the West of England, where she particularly enjoyed the practical aspect of the course. Before starting work here at Random42, Nina worked in publishing at Springer Nature and Hearst Health. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, hiking and travelling as much as possible.

Priya Outtandy – Scientific Account Director

BSc (Hons) Human and Medical Science – University of Westminster 
PhD Genetics and Nephrology – University College London 

Priya has just started as a Scientific Account Director at Random42, where she’s involved in providing scientific support for projects. She studied life sciences in her undergraduate degree and then gained a PhD in Nephrology at UCL. She loves a good book, especially if it is written by Terry Pratchett, and winning on Mario Kart. In her free time, she loves exploring London with her friends and family.

Matthew Ryan – Media Technician

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science – University of Surrey

Matthew joined the team as an IT intern at the beginning of the year and after proving himself more than able, he has now joined us as a pernament member of Random42. Prior to this he studied at the University of Surrey as a Biomedical Scientist. Whilst at university, he was an active member of their trampolining team, which enabled him to travel the country and compete where he won several medals. In his free time, Matthew enjoys gaming, cooking, music, documentaries and trying new things.

Sarah Orton – Account Coordinator

BSc (Hons) Zoology – The University of Nottingham 

Sarah started with Random42 as an intern back in October and has now joined the team as an Account Coordinator, following her graduation from the University of Nottingham where she studied Zoology. In her spare time, she likes to play football, read books, explore London’s restaurants and go out with friends.

If you are intersted in joining our team please check out our jobs page.


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