Celebrating Women in Science 2023

10th February 2023 Company News Science News

Every year on the 11th of February we celebrate women and girls all over the world who study science, have a career in science, or are inspired by science. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a dedicated day to celebrate the critical role girls and women play in science and technology communities and how their participation should be strengthened and encouraged.

This occasion is a global reminder to promote and encourage equal access to science, gender equality, and female empowerment. There is a significant gender gap at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines all over the world and it is vital that we work towards increased participation in higher STEM education and equal representation in these fields.

2023 marks the 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly under the theme I.D.E.A.S. (Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance. Sustain.), focusing on Sustainable and Equitable Development.

Did you know, women are typically given smaller research grants than their male colleagues, and, while they represent 33.3% of all researchers, only 12% of members of national science academies are women?

Here at Random42, we believe in the importance of motivating girls and women of all ages into the world of science. As a company, we are committed to upholding these principles, and we will continue supporting and recognising all the amazing women in science. In our team, we are fortunate to have so many inspiring women who have built successful careers within science.

To commemorate this imperative day’s significance, we would like to share the experiences, thoughts, and inspirations of our own talented women in science…

Random42 Women in Science 2023 team picture Random42 International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023 Team Picture

Lydia Folds – Senior Account Executive

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science – University of Birmingham

Random42 Lydia Folds

“My favourite subject at school was Biology, I was fascinated by the biochemical reactions and pathways that occur inside the body that enable us to function as we do on a daily basis. This led me to go on to study Biochemical Science at University where I encountered many women who continued to inspire me just like my Biology teacher did at school. I am delighted to now be putting my degree to use in an environment that aims to make science easily understandable and accessible for all levels. I hope the work that Random42 produces continues to inspire and encourage future scientists to follow their passion and pursue a career in the world of science.”

Sara Nouri – Senior Marketing Operations Executive

MSci Chemistry – Imperial College London

Random42 Sara Nouri

“Growing up in a Middle Eastern family meant that studying STEM was a must – lucky for my parents, I’ve always been a dork for maths. Although not technically a science, I have always believed maths to be the backbone of all sciences (at least that’s what my engineering dad has always told me, sigh). As such, my studies veered towards mathematical topics and I graduated with a master’s in quantum chemistry – a little different from my medical science sisters here at Random42. A personal inspiration of mine is Maryam Mirzakhani, who was not only the first woman to be awarded the Fields Medal but also the first Iranian! For an Iranian woman, whose rights are so limited, breaking such boundaries is powerful. Without a doubt, her story has uplifted women across the world! She has taught me the amazing things women can achieve when granted the freedom to do what they love. Although I am a woman in science, you may be a woman in tech, politics, or even 3d animation (wink) – in all and any case, we can accomplish unimaginable things.”

Karonlina Campbell – Senior Scientific Account Manager

BSc (Hons) Physiology – University of Edinburgh
PhD Neuroscience – University of Edinburgh

Random42 Karolina Campbell

“Throughout my academic career, I was very lucky to work in an environment where I was judged by my ability to do the job rather than by my gender. However, I was always aware that my field was dominated by male scientists, which made it even more important to support other women who are just beginning their scientific careers. Their presence in scientific research and innovation helps to bring different perspectives, approaches, and solutions to problems. During my time in academia, I had the opportunity to work for female professors who were strong advocates for women in science. They set a great example that female scientists, especially in higher positions, have the responsibility to break down stereotypes and achieve gender equality in the scientific environment. At Random42, I have the privilege of working alongside many female colleagues who inspire me with their positivity, knowledge, and creativity. When women are involved in science, it promotes diversity and inclusiveness and leads to better decision-making and problem-solving. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a great initiative that allows us to highlight this and celebrate the achievements of female scientists worldwide.”

Laura Price – Global Account Director

BSc (Hons) Biochemistry – The University of Birmingham

“As a teenager, I never once doubted that science was the subject for me to study further once I left school. Having an inquisitive mind that always needed an answer for everything was only heightened by fantastic Biology and Chemistry teachers. Since joining Random42 just over seven years ago, I have gained insight and knowledge on how businesses like ours can assist scientific communication across a wide range of target audiences. The speed at which the public obtains information is faster than ever. The internet and social media have impacted the world as we knew it a decade ago. It is great to be a part of the digital transformation we are witnessing, especially for the positive impacts it can have on society. Within science and healthcare, patients can now access critical information on their disease in more digestible and easier-to-understand formats; healthcare professionals have more varied educational assets available to them to ensure they choose the right path for their patients. We are giving society the tools it needs to make better decisions when it comes to health. Being part of a diverse company, which has an equal split of men and women (50:50), highlights the strength our sector has to recruit fantastic women in business to drive this growth and have a positive impact. The hope is that other sectors continue to adapt and strive for full inclusivity to ensure our outputs emulate the individuality of the people we communicate with.”

Leah Zard – Project Coordinator

BSc Zoology – University of Leeds

Random42 Leah Zard

“My passion for science started from a young age, inspired by my mum who was a nurse at the time. Growing up in the countryside, I was always interested in animal science as well as being fascinated by how the human body works (especially the immune system!), and evolution. Fast forward to high school and it was easily my favourite subject, so I went on to study Zoology at university, following in the footsteps of my two older sisters who also studied science degrees. The past couple of years have shown how incredibly important science is to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s great to see more people become interested and inspired by scientists. I am thrilled to now be working in an environment which combines creativity, science, and communication alongside an inspiring team of women.”

Harriet Oddy – Marketing Operations Director

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science – University College London

“Like many of us who pursued a career in science, I was an inquisitive child, and with the help of supportive and encouraging science teachers, I channelled my curious nature into a passion for science. My Grandma actively encouraged my interest in science. She worked in a pathology laboratory and the importance of science in the progression of healthcare was something that we often discussed as a family. Alongside this, another influence for my interest in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, was illness within my family, specifically witnessing how treatments (or the lack of them) impacted the outcomes for the patients. Whilst studying, I developed an interest in women’s health, an area that has been slower to develop treatments and has lengthy diagnostics routes when compared with other therapeutic areas. Campaigns around women’s health areas including, endometriosis and menopause, are helping to increase awareness, which in turn encourages further research to improve women’s health. Women make vital contributions to science, continuing to push forward progression not only in this area but throughout therapeutic development. I always imagined studying science would lead me to take part in important research to find the next miracle drug – improving the lives of many people. However, there are so many interesting options available to science graduates and instead, I went down the science communication route. At Random42, I am lucky enough to be working with motivated and inspiring women who are all passionate about making a difference through science. At no point in my education or career, have I ever been told I couldn’t do something because of my gender, nor did I ever believe it. I hope we support future generations in this way so that one day gender doesn’t come into question when discussing pursuing careers in STEM.”

Rosie Fennessy – Senior Marketing Executive

BSc (Hons) Biology – University of Bath

Random42 Rosie Fennessy

“Growing up, I always had a massive interest in science, constantly asking questions and wanting to know how, why or what if. Secondary school solidified this passion, where I had many great science teachers who got pupils excited to learn and always encouraged curiosity. These lessons and the support of my fantastic science teachers facilitated my decision to study Biology at university. Going from an all-girls school to university opened my eyes to the gender imbalance in STEM, with more males in my lectures than females. Despite this imbalance, I had many incredible female lecturers, supervisors, and mentors who always inspired and supported me throughout my university journey. This encouragement and support have continued with my career at Random42, where I feel incredibly fortunate to have such inspiring female colleagues and leaders in an environment where women feel valued and where women support women.”

Pooja Chudasama – Senior Scientific Account Manager

BSc (Hons) Cognitive Science – University of Westminster
MSc Neuroscience – King’s College London
PhD Neuroscience – King’s College London

Random42 Pooja Chudasama

“I had a huge interest in space from childhood – the stars, the moon – I wanted to be an astronaut! I was never discouraged or dissuaded by my family, especially my mum, who played a big part in encouraging me to always reach for the stars. Science was always my favourite subject in school, and particularly any lessons that focused on the brain, but I never really warmed to biology itself, and was not very good at it! This interest in the brain and how the human mind works helped me to pursue a degree in cognitive science, where I was surrounded by female supervisors and mentors who were beyond encouraging and so inspirational. Their support led me to reach further, and do a master’s and eventually, a PhD in neuroscience. During that journey, my supervisor and mentor was male, and he has been pivotal in helping me grow as a scientist and encouraging me, and the other female scientists in the lab, to have a voice in the scientific community – I know this is not always the case! I was lucky to be surrounded by incredible female, and male, friends, supervisors, mentors, and scientists during this time as I was growing as a female scientist – I even got to experience this across the ocean and meet other inspirational female scientists that are breaking the barriers in neuroscience, and science generally, at the moment. Today, at Random42, I still feel this support and encouragement as a woman in science from both my peers and my seniors. I feel quite lucky as unfortunately, I know this is quite rare! I think it is so important to celebrate the incredible women and girls in science today, and every day, and pave the way for future female scientists to keep working hard, reaching for the stars, and knowing the sky is only a limit if you make it!”

Lucy Roberts – Marketing Communications Director

BSc (Hons) Chemistry – The University of Sheffield
MSc Science Communication – The University of Sheffield

“I was always an extremely inquisitive child who never stopped questioning the world around me. One thing that was almost always able to answer my incessant questioning was science! Throughout my time at school, this interest was encouraged and nurtured by various teachers. As I got older, I realised that scientific reasoning, supported with evidence, was the only answer that ever really satisfied my curiosity. Throughout my time at university, I discovered my passion for science communication, particularly sharing fascinating scientific discoveries with lay audiences. I am a big believer in the necessity of celebrating and supporting women in science at every level, and it has been really motivating and inspiring to see such a strong feeling of women supporting women throughout our industry and within Random42.”

Elly Spreckley – Medical Director

BSc (Hons) Physiology and Pharmacology – University of Manchester 
PhD Neuroendocrinology – Imperial College London

Random42 Eleanor Spreckley

“As a child, I always preferred science books to fiction, particularly those with pop-up body parts and the (slightly gory) Horrible Science books, which sparked my interest in biology. With many male and female family members who have worked as nurses, dinner table discussions revolving around various diseases and treatments were the norm. After studying Physiology and Pharmacology at university, it became clear that I enjoyed writing about science and wanted to pursue a career in medical writing; however, a Ph.D. would be necessary to follow this path. My undergrad supervisor, Dr. Elizabeth Sheader, was very supportive and encouraged this choice. I went on to do a Ph.D. in an area I had previously enjoyed studying, the neuroendocrine systems involved in appetite control and potential treatments for obesity. In my current role at Random42, I relish the unique balance between science and creativity and aim to continue building a strong team of scientists with confidence that gender has no impact on our abilities.”

This article highlights how important role models were to Random42’s women in science throughout their upbringing, education, and careers, and how there is an essential need for young women and girls to have role models in science as a part of their support network.

If you are interested in a career with Random42, please view our jobs page to see our current opportunities.


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