Top 50 Business Leaders 2020

20th October 2020 Company News News

Random42 CEO, Ben Ramsbottom, has been named as one of the LDC Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders 2020.

This year’s LDC Top 50 is the third annual search to find the most ambitious and best business leaders the UK has to offer. The nominations began just before COVID-19 struck the UK and it became uncertain whether the awards could – or should – go ahead. But, the LDC reported that the sheer number and calibre of the leaders nominated confirmed that British ambition is alive and well even during a global pandemic. An incredible 350 nominations were received for the awards, proving difficult to whittle down to just 50.

The 50 chosen business leaders have defied the odds in the face of extreme adversity. They hail from every corner of the country and collectively contribute more than £1bn to the UK economy, employing more than 5,250 people. You can read their inspiring stories of ambition, endeavour, innovation and resilience as they are revealed in The Daily Telegraph each week.

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our very own, Ben Ramsbottom, has been honoured as part of these awards.

Random42 Ben Ramsbottom

Ben Ramsbottom, CEO/Medical Director

Here is a small excerpt from Ben’s article:

Ben joined the business 10 years ago. “I started as a lowly scriptwriter,” he says. “There were five people when I arrived, doing just five projects a year. Within three and a half years I was running the business.” When Ramsbottom took over, Random42 was turning over £3.6m. Today, it generates more than £10m in revenue – mostly from outside the UK – and does 300 projects a year. “I come across as laid back but I’m highly competitive,” he reveals…

To continue reading please see the LDC’s full article.


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