Traumatic Brain Injury MoA

Traumatic Brain Injury Animation

Scientific Animation


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) damages the blood-brain barrier and causes an increase in nitric oxide and free radical levels in the brain. High levels of these substances are toxic and may kill neurons, causing brain damage.

Brain Injury Medical Animation

VAS203 selectively reduces nitric oxide levels in the brain and inhibits the production of free radicals; therefore, it may stop the development of brain damage following TBI.

This animation was featured on the Vasopharm website, highlighting how our animations can be repurposed for a variety of uses and can provide the foundations for a consistent brand identity.

“As we are going into Phase 3, the video is now becoming increasingly important in the partnering presentations. Where it seems to be having the biggest effect is that partners understand the MoA and they’ve seen the video prior to the meeting.”

Chairman, VasoPharm


View the full animation below.

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