Nicotine Addiction Animation
Scientific Animation | Website Assets
Tackling the issue of nicotine addiction, this animation was created for Haleon to spotlight the role of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) in smoking cessation. By addressing the serious health consequences of nicotine addiction, including cancer and other lung diseases, the animation focuses on the challenges of quitting due to nicotine’s highly addictive nature.

Designed to resonate with consumers who have unsuccessfully attempted to quit smoking, the animation clearly explains the disease mechanism of nicotine addiction and the impacts of Nicotine on the brain.
The video showcases how NRTs, such as Nicorette® gum, lozenges, and patches, can effectively address both the physical and behavioral dependencies associated with smoking and educate on the appropriate regimens behind their use.

The animation highlights NRT as a viable alternative to vaping and e-cigarettes for quitting smoking. By illustrating the changes in brain chemistry that occur with prolonged smoking, the animation underscores the limitations of relying solely on willpower to overcome addiction.
The goal is to empower consumers with a deeper understanding of their addiction and the viable treatment options available to help them quit.

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