Dry Eye Disease MoA Animation
Scientific Animation
Novartis’ product, Xiidra®, is a non-steroid therapy that can disrupt inflammation and has been designed to target the underlying inflammation which is believed to fuel dry eye disease (DED).
our approach
This Mechanism of Action (MoA) animation was produced to inform the audience about the causes of dry eye disease and how the product could help treat the signs and symptoms of this. With clear branding guidelines set, this project aimed to exceed the client’s expectations by creating an immersive and captivating experience.
This animation is featured online as part of the Xiidra® website. The animation has also been included in a virtual booth that explores some of Novartis’ ophthalmology products as part of the 2020 American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting.
This animation has won 20 global industry awards.

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