Aesthetic Injectable Treatment Animation

Scientific Animation | Product Visualisation & Education


Sculptra® is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen. We created this mechanism of action (MoA) animation for Galderma to show their aesthetic treatment in impressive 3D.

Aesthetic Injectable Treatment Animation

High-quality visuals capture cross-sectional skin features, diving deep into the layers of tissue.

Two versions of the animation were created with varying voiceovers to accommodate different target audiences; a high-science voiceover for use by healthcare professionals (HCPs), and a simplified version with lay language suitable for a consumer audience.

Aesthetic Product Medical Animation

The animation was created for the product launch to showcase the injectable using engaging scientific storytelling and detailed graphics. The animation visuals are consistent with Galderma’s brand guidelines creating consistency across the entirety of the product portfolio.

The MoA is hosted on the product website in the ‘How Does Sculptra® Work?’ section, where it is embedded as an auto-play video.


View full animation below.

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