Metastatic Cancer Treatment Animation
Scientific Animation | Investor Relations and Website Assets
Transcode Therapeutics’ proprietary delivery platform, called TTX, is an iron oxide nanoparticle technology specifically designed to transport therapeutic payloads to tumors and metastases including in and, importantly, beyond the liver. This animation is divided into two chapters, providing an overview of their TTX delivery platform technology and the mechanism of action (MoA) of their lead candidate, TTX-MC138.

Designed primarily to help investors understand TransCode’s technology, the animation highlights Transcode’s approach to delivering therapeutic RNAs to tumors and metastases, and exploring how their technology repurposes the iron oxide nanoparticle originally used in imaging to deliver therapeutic RNAs.
The animation specifically focuses on their lead candidate, TTX-MC138, which targets microRNA-10b (miRNA-10b) to potentially treat metastatic cancer. miRNA-10b is a validated master regulator of metastatic progression in multiple cancers, promoting detachment of tumor cells and supporting their survival as they spread throughout the body.

In addition to supporting investor relations, the animation has been utilized in a number of ways on the Transcode Therapeutics’ website. The animation is housed on the ‘Lead Candidate’ webpage. The TTX delivery system has also been rendered on a transparent background and used on the ‘Science’ page of their website.
Animation imagery has also been incorporated into their online scientific poster, as well as on their ‘Pipeline’ webpage. Labeled imagery has been shared on the Transcode Therapeutics Linkedin channel, as well as through a looping video clip leveraged as part of the complimentary visual toolkit.
View full animation below.

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